News 2016 year

New EU support to private sector development and strengthening institutions in Belarus

The European Union has announced the doubling of the bilateral assistance package in 2016 from €14.5 million in 2015 to €29 million in 2016 to Belarus.

The mission will also hold a number of bilateral meetings with representatives of the Ministry of Finance of Belarus, the Ministry of Economy of Belarus and the National Bank of Belarus.

New vacancies in the Joint Technical Secretariat of Latvia-Lithuania-Belarus Programme
Call for Applications as External Assessors for Belarus-Ukraine Territorial Cooperation Programme

The Managing Authority (MA) of the EU-funded “Eastern Partnership Territorial Cooperation” Programme calls for applications for setting up a pool of assessors. The assessors will be in charge of the evaluation of proposals to be submitted under the Belarus – Ukraine Territorial ...

Experience share and partners search forum Latvia-Lithiania-Belarus will ake place in Vilnius on 26 May

During the forum, we shall share the experience and lessons learnt of the 2007-2013 European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument Cross-border Cooperation Programme Latvia-Lithuania-Belarus (2007-2013 Programme) and look for partner-organisations for the cooperation within ...

Economy Ministry, EBRD discuss new strategy for Belarus

Belarusian Economy Minister Vladimir Zinovsky and Alain Pilloux, Vice President for Policy and Partnerships of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), have discussed a new EBRD strategy for Belarus for 2016-2019

Transcript of Remarks by Stavros Lambrinidis at the Conference on Death Penalty held in Minsk, Belarus, on 10 March 2016

Edited Transcript of Remarks by Stavros Lambrinidis, the EU Special Representative for Human Rights, at the Conference on Death Penalty held in Minsk, Belarus, on 10 March 2016.

Slizhevsky, Lambrinidis discuss registration of public associations, parties

Belarus' Justice Minister Oleg Slizhevsky and EU Special Representative for Human Rights Stavros Lambrinidis met in Minsk to discuss the matters related to the registration of public associations and political parties.

Belarus: EU supports women entrepreneurship

Belarus became one of the first countries to launch the EU-supported Women in Business programme. The programme is being implemented by the EBRD in all six Eastern Partnership countries to support women-led small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

Lambrinidis: EU expects to boost cooperation with Belarus in all areas

Stavros Lambrinidis stressed that the European Union sees the recent lifting of the sanctions against Belarus “as an opportunity to multiply, to considerably step up the interaction in all areas without exception, both in political and economic areas, and in the sphere of human ...