Service procurement notice for 7 million climate change project in Russia and Eastern Neighbourhood countries

The European Commission has published a service procurement notice for a €7 million contract for the first component of the Clima East Programme: support to climate change mitigation and adaptation in Russia and Eastern Neighbourhood countries. The publication reference of the forecast is EuropeAid/132127/C/SER/Multi.

According to the contract description, Clima East is a project package consisting of a maximum of €11 million for pilot projects on ecosystems approaches to climate change (separate contract) and a maximum of €7 million for this particular service contract.

The overall objective of Clima East is to support partner countries so that they are better equipped for greenhouse gas emission reductions and better prepared to deal with climate change impacts. The specific objective is to foster improved climate change policies, strategies and market mechanisms in the partner countries that are well informed about the EU 'acquis', by supporting regional cooperation and improving information access to EU climate change policies, laws and expertise.

The following main project elements are planned under this service contract: technical cooperation, capacity building, regional seminars, expert facility, information work on the EU climate 'acquis'.

Technical cooperation is planned to support the build-up of national or regional emission trading systems in Ukraine, Belarus and in other interested countries. Study visits to Brussels and EU Member States will be organised and a significant flexible and demand-driven climate change expert facility will have to be managed. The website of the predecessor SKPI project will be developed into a high-class Russian and English language Internet site.

The work will be organised according to 2 components, one for Russia, Ukraine and Belarus (Annex 1 countries under the Kyoto Protocol) and one for Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia and Moldova (non-Annex 1 countries under the Kyoto Protocol). Besides regional activities, national work programmes will respond to national needs.

The duration of the project is 48 months, with a provisional start date of August 2012.
The deadline for receipt of applications is 17 February 2012.

More information:

Delegation of the European Union to Belarus
34A/2 Engels Street Minsk 220030 Belarus
Telephone: 375 17 3286613
Fax: 375 17 2891281

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