
Minsk to host Belarus-Poland economic forum on 5 June

Taking part in the Belarusian-Polish business forum are over 100 Belarusian companies from all parts of the country and 13 Polish companies working in civil engineering, introduction of biogas technologies, food production, tobacco products, production of automobile parts, ...

The 3rd Call for Proposals of the European Neighbourhood Instrument Cross-Border Cooperation Programme Latvia-Lithuania-Belarus 2014-2020

The strategic goal of the Programme is to strengthen relations, raise capacities and share experience among people and organisations from Latvia, Lithuania and Belarus through implementation of joined actions aimed at increasing the overall quality of life in the border ...

EC Day 2019 - Educational Campaign for schools launched

The Cross-border Cooperation Programme Poland-Belarus-Ukraine 2014-2020 cordially invites schools from the Programme area to take part in the Educational Campaign within European Cooperation Day 2019. As the Programme already started preparations for its new 2021-2027 edition, ...

The Management Authority of the Eastern Partnership Territorial Cooperation (EaPTC) .Programme Belarus-Ukraine, the GIZ GmbH, announces vacant position of a Short-Term Expert on Evaluation and Approval of Infrastructure and Construction Works for the projects implemented in ...

EU-Belarus Coordination Group met for the third time

The European Union-Belarus Coordination Group met in Minsk on 3-4 April 2017, following previous meetings in the same format in April and November 2016. The European Union delegation was led by Thomas Mayr-Harting, Managing Director for Europe and Central Asia of the European ...

Сall for assessors for CBC Programme Poland-Belarus-Ukraine

The Assessors selected within the framework of this Call will be involved in the assessment process for the project applications submitted under the Cross-border Cooperation Programme Poland-Belarus-Ukraine 2014-2020.

Schools in Ukraine and Belarus invited to participate in cultural competition

The Cross-border Cooperation Programme Poland-Belarus-Ukraine 2014-2020 has invited schools from Ukraine and Belarus to take part in a cross-border competition for schools entitled “Let’s Preserve the Cultural Heritage Together!”. The idea of the competition is to show the ...

First decisions regarding projects from Heritage on the borderland between Poland, Belarus and Ukraine

The representatives of the central and regional authorities from all three countries taking part in the Committee recommended all positively assessed concept notes, i.e. 162 projects, to take part in the second stage of the call.

First decisions regarding projects from Security on the borderland between Poland, Belarus and Ukraine

The representatives of the central and regional authorities from all three countries taking part in the Committee recommended all positively assessed concept notes, i.e. 172 projects, to take part in the second stage of the call.

New EU support to private sector development and strengthening institutions in Belarus

The European Union has announced the doubling of the bilateral assistance package in 2016 from €14.5 million in 2015 to €29 million in 2016 to Belarus.