Other instruments of EU external assistance

Within the framework of the Nuclear Safety Co-operation Instrument (INSC) two projects were implemented in Belarus. One of them was aimed at assisting in perfecting national legal framework in the field of radiation protection, in the framework of another aid programme has been implemented for the victims of the Chernobyl disaster.

Within the framework of the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR) two projects were also implemented: to help to improve the administration of justice in Belarus through improving access of judges and court personnel, prosecutors, lawyers (justice officials) to information on international standards of human rights and the relevant case law, familiarization with international best practices, make recommendations for further improvement of national legislation and practice, as well as increased public awareness of the role of the judiciary in a democratic state. The project was funded jointly by the EU, UNDP, UNICEF. Another project was aimed at the creation of the master's program in the field of human rights in Armenia, Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine.

Within the framework of the Instrument for Stability implemented a project aimed at preventing illegal trade in radioactive materials. In addition, this instrument means the EU is funding its share in the projects of the International Science and Technology Center in Belarus. In the period 2007 - June 2013 in the framework of the ISTC Belarus it was sold and implemented more than 90 projects

Unused available for Belarus EU external assistance instruments to June 2013 proved to be the Instrument for Macro-Financial Assistance (IMFA) and the Instrument for Humanitarian Aid.

The table below shows that in other EU external assistance instruments, in 2007-2013, was implemented in Belarus 5 of 7 projects. EU commitments for these projects amount to 6.97 million EUR. The ratio of the actual costs up to the obligations of 54.52%.

Name of the external assistance instrument


millions EUR

Actual expenditures,

millions EUR

Number of projects

The ratio of the actual costs to the obligations, %






















6, 97





The terms of cooperation within the framework available in 2014-2020 Belarus EU external assistance instruments are outlined in the country strategy.

Nuclear Safety Co-operation Instrument (INSC)

Just note the country programming approach in the framework of this instrument. In the previous programming period in the framework of this instrument was carried out jointly by Belarus and Ukraine. It is not clear how this programming will be carried out in the 2014 - 2015, however, based on the results of our analysis of this tool, we can assume that the approach to Belarus will be carried out as a country that does not have nuclear power plants, but tending to their construction. In this case, Belarus can count on the support:
  • regulatory authority (Ministry of Emergencies, Department of Nuclear and Radiation Safety), with the main goal may be to develop the necessary infrastructure regulatory system, technical competence Nuclear Regulatory Authority and relevant organizations on technical assistance;
  • design and development of strategies and key actions for the responsible and safe management of spent fuel and radioactive waste.
Estimated share of Belarusian projects in the framework of this instrument for the period 2014-2020 may be about 8.3 million EUR.

European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR)

In the last program cycle for central government bodies of Belarus in the framework of this tool one project was implemented through UNDP. Another project involved the BSU.

In June 2013 the EU Delegation in Belarus aim was to be tendered as part of the tool (the number of the competition: EuropeAid / 134-605 / L / ACT / BY) for the representatives of public associations, as well as local authorities and the media in Belarus. However, this initiative was not supported by the Foreign Ministry of Belarus.

We can expect that in the programming period 2014-2020 the activity of this tool in Belarus, at least for the republican bodies of state administration, will be low. Therefore, according to our estimates, the total seven-year budget framework EIDHR for Belarus will not exceed 1.8 million EUR. The most likely recipient there may be the Ministry of Justice.

Instrument contributing to Stability and Peace (IfSP)

Most likely the work of this instrument in 2014 - 2020 in Belarus will be limited in similar activities carried out in 2007 - 2013: financing of the EU contribution to the ISTC and support security in the border between Belarus and the EU. However, it is also possible to finance projects related to the prevention of global climate change. According to our estimates the total budget of projects with the participation of Belarus in the framework of this instrument will not exceed 0.4 million EURO.

Instrument for Macro-Financial Assistance (IMFA)

As you know, in programming period 2007 - 2013 Belarus' request for funding under this instrument has not been considered for political reasons. The financing of Belarusian projects in 2014 - 2020, in our view, is entirely dependent on the development of the EU - Belarus political dialogue. In this regard, assessment of the receipt of funds under this instrument was not carried out.

Instrument for Humanitarian Aid

Office of the EC humanitarian assistance (ECHO) provided assistance to Belarus only once together with the TACIS Programme. This assistance was aimed at the purchase and supply of equipment for the diagnosis of thyroid cancer. In the past program cycle (2007 - 2013) humanitarian assistance to Belarus was not provided. EC focuses its efforts on providing humanitarian aid to the least developed countries and low-income countries. Belarus since 2012 is among the countries with above-average incomes, so that humanitarian aid in 2014 - 2020 the Belarus is unlikely.