Extended European Neighbourhood

The political basis of the Expanded Programme of the European Neighbourhood is the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP), including, in particular, the EU agreements with partner countries and the agenda of the association / ENP Action Plans. Full EU political framework, which will be used in the manual to implement the program "Enhanced European Neighbourhood", set forth in Article 3 of the Rules of ENI. The neighborhood is often discussed at the meetings of the Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs, including informal meetings.

Strategic Priorities

The program of enlargement of the European Neighbourhood will pursue the strategic priorities set out below, which, in particular, identified as the strategic goals of the agenda of the association / ENP Action Plans and regional and bilateral strategies ENI. Where appropriate, in the activities of this program should be considered and integrated cross-cutting issues such as gender equality and environmental protection.

  • Priority 1: Creation of partnerships for inclusive economic development and integration (55%).
This priority includes support for physical infrastructure and investment technical assistance, and private sector development.

  • Priority 2: Creating a partnership between people (40%)
This priority includes upgrading and promoting the openness of higher education through mobility and academic cooperation and capacity-building activities.
  • Priority 3: Targeted capacity building (5%)
This priority includes support for the rapprochement of the legal framework to EU norms and standards and the strengthening of public administration systems. These three major priorities were selected for implementation in the framework of "Extended European Neighbourhood" with the ENI' Country and Regional Strategies and current and planned support from the EU and its states-members
  • Priority 4: An approach based on incentives
ENI regulation provides for the use of the multi-country "umbrella program" to complement the financial allocations of individual partner countries on the basis of their progress towards a fundamental and sustainable democracy and the implementation of the agreed objectives of the reform.

Indicative funding for the period 2014-2020 is from 3,084,000,000 euros to 3,455,000,000 euros, of which 1,407,000,000 euros will be allocated to support the "umbrella programs". Indicative funding for the programming period 2014-2017 is from 1,675,000,000 euros to 1,876,000,000 euros, of which 770,000,000 euros will be allocated to support the umbrella program. Outline priorities for support are as follows.

Partnerships in sustainable and comprehensive economic development and integration

The "Extended European Neighbourhood" will continue to fund Neighbourhood Investment Fund (NIF), "intermediate" tool used to attract loans from the European financial institutions and venture capital from the private sector through the provision of subsidies (grants) to the EU for implementation of large investment projects. NIF will support projects prepared acceptable European financial institutions on the territory of neighborliness, provided that they meet at least one of the three strategic objectives:
  • to provide improved and more sustainable energy and transport interconnections (between the EU and neighboring countries and among neighboring countries), energy efficiency and demand management, promotion of renewable energy sources, strengthening energy security by diversifying energy supplies and energy market integration and support-related investments with the implementation of EU agreements, including agreements on deep and comprehensive free trade, as set out in particular in the Association Agenda / ENP Action Plan in follow-up to meetings of the Task Force;
  • addressing climate change and threats to the environment in a broader sense;
  • promoting intelligent, sustainable and inclusive growth by supporting small and medium enterprises, the social sector, including the development of human capital and the development of municipal infrastructure.
Priority will be given to projects that contribute to the objectives of EU policy in the region, as described, inter alia, in the conclusions of the European Council, the EU agreements (in particular, the agreement on deep and comprehensive free trade (DCFTA), Association Agenda / ENP Action Plan, EU policy framework on investment and the interconnectedness of good neighborliness. In this context, should be taken into account the priorities set out in the relevant policy documents, including the regional and bilateral strategic documents ENI against good neighborhood. The south subregion should be taken into account in respect of the obligations EU for the Mediterranean, including the Ministerial Declaration. The East African subregion priorities will also take into account the political objectives set platforms and panels of the Eastern Partnership, the transport network of the Eastern Partnership and the community in the field of energy. NIF should be seen as a mechanism to enhance political dialogue and to assist partner countries.

Expected results: increased level of investment in public infrastructure and the manufacturing sector, job creation and private sector development in line with the strategic direction Neighbourhood Investment Fund. This will contribute to achieving the political goals of the EU under the ENP (for example, integration into the EU internal market), as well as poverty reduction and sustainable economic, social and environmental developmen

During the period 2008-2013, NIF has allocated 753 million euros in grants and thus attracted roughly 8.1 billion euro loan from the European financial institutions. In the 2014-2017 time frame. The EU has allocated approximately 595 million euros for the FIH, which can be supplemented at the expense of regional and / or bilateral programs and the ENP through direct contributions from Member States to a trust fund EED, managed by the European Investment Bank.

Creating a partnership between people

The "Extended European Neighbourhood" will contribute to the modernization and opening up of higher education in the region and good neighborliness in the Russian Federation through the program Erasmus +.

ENI contribution to Erasmus + program for the period 2014-2017 is approximately 400 million euros, of which about 60 million euros will be allocated to activities with the Russian Federation.