Cross Border Cooperation Programmes

Cross Border Cooperation Programme (both within the ENPI, as well as within ENI) relate to the joint operational program. EC in such programmes play the role of observer.
Preparing the CBC programmes for the period 2014 - 2020 actually began in 2011 with a meeting in Brussels.
The principles are:
  • Integration of cohesion policy priorities (alignment) of the EU, particularly through further convergence of the rules of cross-border cooperation to EU territorial cooperation (European Territorial Cooperation);
  • geographic expansion of programs to cover the important economic, social and cultural centers, important for the proper functioning of the programme;
  • full application of the principle of "co-management", including the states - members of the EU as the signatories of the Financing Arrangements;
  • co-financing from the partner countries, primarily from Russia.

Geographic coverage

As part of the ENI there are three types of cross-border cooperation:
  • for land borders and with the participation of territorial units NUTS 3 level is equal to or along the land border between the EU and partner countries and (or) of the Russian Federation;
  • for maritime borders, and with the participation of territorial units NUTS 3 level is equal to or along maritime borders between the EU and partner countries and (or) the Russian Federation, provided that they are separated by a distance of not more than 150 kilometers, taking into account the potential revisions needed to ensure coherence and to continue the existing cooperation;
  • around the sea basin with the participation of territorial units NUTS 2 level, or equal to him, leaving the boundaries of the sea in the pool, a single for the EU and the partner countries and (or) the Russian Federation.

Programming and allocation of funds for cross-border cooperation.

To date the European Commission has prepared a list of strategic and thematic proposals, common to all ENI CBC Programmes. Each CBC programme should select maximum 4 priorities presented in the table (see below). The Rules of cross-border cooperation programmes will include provisions on:
  • volumes and methods of financing;
  • training, changes and close programs;
  • the role and functions of the programme structures: Joint Monitoring Committee, Managing Authority and the Joint Technical Secretariat, the Joint Committee for the selection of projects, including their structure, function definition, accountability and responsibilities, a description of management and control systems, as well as the conditions of the technical and financial management of EU support, including the availability of funds;
  • procedures for reimbursement of misuse of funds ICC, monitoring and evaluation;
  • awareness activities and coverage;
  • joint management.
The volume of the indicative funding joint programmes of cross-border cooperation will be determined mainly on the basis of the number of population in the territorial units involved in the programs. In determining the amount of the indicative financing can make changes to balance the contributions from the European Regional Development Fund and the budget ENI and also taking into account other factors that could have an impact on the intensity of cooperation, such as, for example, the specific characteristics of border areas and their ability to accept and use EU support. Separately, we note that Russia intends to co-finance CBC program with it participation. This reflects the position of Russia as a strategic partner of the EU, when co-financed projects are implemented in the interest of both sides.

The list of priorities for ENI' CBC programming presented in the table below:

Strategic Priorities

A. Promoting economic and social development in regions on both sides of the border

B. The current challenges in the field of environmental protection, health and safety

С. Creating a more favorable environment for the movement of people, goods and services

Thematic priorities / subpriorities (to select programs CBC)




Enterprise development, including small and medium (Strategic Priority: A)

- Strengthening Cooperation between the public and private sectors;
- Strengthening economic clusters;
- Increased competitiveness;
- Promoting entrepreneurship;
- Support the development of business in various sectors (eg, tourism, agriculture)


Support for education and research, and technology development and innovation (Strategic Priority: A )


- Strengthening of cooperation between business and educational institutions in the field of science, research and innovation, the development of common training plans;
- Promote the development of skills and continuing education system;
- Support for cooperation in the field of education at the local level;
- Support for research and innovation.


Promoting local culture and preservation of historical and cultural heritage (Strategic Priority: A )

- Promoting national culture and history;
- Support for traditional crafts for local economic development.



Promoting social inclusion and combating poverty (Strategic Priorities: A , B , C )


- Support the development of social services;
- Improving access to social services;
- Promote gender equality and equal opportunities;
- Support for the integration of migrants and vulnerable groups;
- Promoting employment and supporting labor mobility;
- Promote youth employment.


Support for good governance at regional and local level (Strategic Priorities: A , B , C )

- Increasing the capacity of local and regional authorities;
- Coordination of the planned activities;
- Support for Regional Integration;
- Promoting legal and administrative cooperation.


Environmental protection, adaptation to climate change (Strategic Priority: B)


- Joint action to protect the environment;
- preservation and rational use of natural resources;
- Support for energy efficiency and use of renewable energy sources;
- Promoting low-carbon economy;
- Support for a sustainable waste management system, as well as wastewater management system.


Improving the accessibility of regions, the development of transport and communication networks and systems, not including the subject matter of priority 10 (Strategic Priority: C )

- Improving the movement of people, goods and services;
- Development of transport infrastructure and services;
- Development of information and computing infrastructure.



Common actions in the field of protection and safety (Strategic Priority: B)


- Supporting the development of public health;
- Increased welfare;
- Prevention and fight against organized crime;
- Law enforcement cooperation (exchange of information, etc.); - Support for joint action for the prevention of natural and man-made disasters, as well as joint actions in emergencies.


Promotion of cooperation in the energy sector (Strategic Priority: B)

- Production of energy;
- The transfer of energy;
- Distribution of energy;
- [Energy efficiency is addressed in priority 6 (see. Above)].


Border Management and Border Security (Strategic Priority: C)

- Support for the safety and efficiency of the borders;
- Improved Amenities border crossing points;
- Improved operations on border management, customs and visa procedures


Other priorities that are not listed above in 1-10, but with a significant role for cross-border cooperation (Strategic Priority: A, B, or C)

Thematic priority 11 swings only programmes in which participating country sends its co-financing program management body. In the event of his choice, the priority will be considered as one of the four priorities of the programme.