Eastern Regional Programme

ENPI Regional Programme consists of two parts: the Eastern and Southern regional program of the regional program. Belarus along with Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, the Russian Federation and Ukraine is a member of Eastern Regional Programme. The program is prepared on the basis of the two strategies and two indicative programs. 
The main priorities of the ENPI Eastern Regional Programme for 2007-2013 were:
  • network, in particular, transport and energy;
  • environment and forestry;
  • border management (customs, border management and migration processes, the fight against international crime);
  • interpersonal cooperation;
  • the elimination of anti-personnel mines and remnants of war explosives and small arms and light weapons.
Eastern Regional Programme for 2011-2013 was aimed primarily at creating conditions for political association, economic integration and enhance regional cooperation. It also aims to play a key role in achieving the objectives of the Eastern Partnership, as well as other regional initiatives in which the EU is involved, such as the Northern Dimension, Black Sea synergy, TRACECA, the Baku Initiative and others. The training program carried out with little or no participation of the EC's partner-countries.

Eastern Regional ENI program in 2014-2020 is likely to be focused on the financing of multi-country project "Eastern Partnership".