European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI)

European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI) Agreement on the establishment and functioning of the EU gives it the right to establish and develop a special relationship with neighboring countries in order to develop a zone of prosperity and good neighborliness at the EU borders. In 2004, it developed the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP), which extends to 16 countries and territories in the east and south of the EU, namely: Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Egypt, Georgia, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Moldova, Morocco, Occupied Palestinian Territory, Syria, Tunisia and Ukraine.

Within the framework of the ENP the EU offers its neighbors a privileged relationship on the basis of constructed on the basis of a mutual commitment to values ​​and principles such as democracy and human rights, rule of law, good governance, market economy principles and sustainable development, including action to protect the environment. The policy also provides for political association and deeper economic integration, increased mobility of citizens and the development of contacts at the level of individuals. From 2007 to 2013, the ENP was financed by a specially created for this purpose an instrument of foreign assistance from the EU - European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument ENPI, and with 2014-2020, the city continues through the ENI. 

The total budget of ENI is 18,182,300,000 euros (2013 prices). Up to 5% of this amount will be allocated for the implementation of cross-border cooperation programs. 

Goals and Objectives

The main goal of ENI is to create a zone of prosperity and good neighborly relations with neighboring countries ("partner countries") by establishing a special partnership for the benefit of partner countries and the common good of the EU and partner countries, as well as providing opportunities for Russia to take part in cross-border cooperation and related multi-country programs that reflect the special status of Russia as both EU neighbor and strategic partner in the region. 

Supporting the development of political cooperation and economic integration between the EU and partner countries, and in particular, the implementation of agreements on partnership and cooperation, association agreements or other existing or future agreements or jointly agreed action plans will be implemented through the following tasks: 
  • protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms, the rule of law, principles of equality, establishing real and sustainable democracy, support for good governance and the development of civil society; 
  • achieving further integration with the EU internal market, as well as enhanced sectoral and cross-sectoral cooperation, including action on the approximation of laws and convergence with EU legislation and other international standards, the development of institutions and opportunities for investment, particularly joint; 
  • creating conditions for well managed mobility of citizens and maintaining contacts at the interpersonal level; 
  • sustainable and inclusive development in all areas of poverty reduction, including through the development of the private sector; 
  • support domestic economic, social and territorial cohesion, rural development, action to prevent climate change and disaster response; 
  • the development level of trust in the countries, as well as other measures aimed at ensuring security and conflict prevention;
  • Support for cooperation at the subregional, regional and neighborly levels, including and cross-border cooperation. 
EU support can also be carried out in other areas, if it corresponds to the general objectives of the European Neighbourhood Policy. 

Policy assistance 

Programming and implementation of the EU for the ITA member countries ENI will be based on:
  • Agreement on partnership and cooperation; 
  • Association Agreements and other existing or future agreements that establish relations with partner countries; 
  • the relevant communiqué of the European Council conclusions and resolutions of the European Parliament; 
  • the relevant conclusions of the meetings of the meetings held at the ministerial level with representatives of the partner countries. 
Where the EU and the partner country does not exist agreements, such as those mentioned above, the support of the EU can be carried out if it is needed to achieve the goals of EU policy. The basis for prioritization of EU support within the ENI are: 
  • jointly agreed action plans or other equal to them documents signed by the partner countries and the EU. 
  •  EU policy objectives, taking into account the needs of the partner country in the case of jointly agreed action plans or other equal to them documents signed by the partner countries and the EU. 
A key role is assigned to the Association Agreement, which are replacing the agreement on partnership and cooperation. The presence of the country's Association Agreement with the EU partner-country opens widest access to EU programs, including internal. 

Help partner countries in the framework of ENI will vary in form and scope in accordance with the level of commitment of these countries to reform and the level of progress in their implementation. This distinction reflects the level of commitment to the country's partnership with the European Union, its progress in building real and sustainable democracy, its progress in implementing the agreed objectives of the reform, the needs and opportunities of the country, as well as the potential impact of EU support. The assistance will be implemented in partnership with the beneficiaries. The partnership will include the need for national, regional and local authorities, other stakeholders, civil society, social partners and other NGOs. All of them will be able to participate in the preparation, implementation and monitoring of EU ITA. Help mainly be co-financed by the partner countries through public funds, contributions from the beneficiaries or other sources. 

When programming and implementation of activities under the ENI should be provided with the coherence and coordination with other areas of external action of the EU and its Member States, in particular with the European Investment Bank (EIB), as well as other multilateral and regional organizations and bodies, including the European financial organizations, international financial institutions, UN agencies, funds and programs, foundations and donors, the ITA is the EU.